Top Five Emerging Trends for Holistic Medicine

Due to the negative side effects that are found in conventional medicine, many individuals are now looking for alternatives to replace or supplement chemical pharmaceuticals. Here are some trends in holistic medicine.


Acupuncture normally involved putting pressure on soles of feet and other parts of the body using special needles. Since these pressure points are thought to be connected with internal organs, acupuncture may relieve pain throughout the body.

Fish Oil Supplements

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are typically found in fish, may lower heart disease and help inflammation in the body. Supplements can make the intake of this super food easier than cooking and eating fish regularly.


Roseroot is an herbal plant which may work as an antidepressant for those with mild or moderate depression issues. It may also work well for those who get sick when flying.


Probiotics are good bacteria that are typically found in yogurt. They are generally known to help with digestive problems and may also help strengthen the immune system.


Yoga, which is normally a less intensive form of exercise, often focuses on slow movements and deep breathing. As a result, yoga doesn’t only help in weight loss, but it can also help relieve stress. 

Holistic medicine can offer many natural benefits. Contact Palmetto Acupuncture and Holistic Health Clinic at 803-806-8889 to learn more about different emerging trends in alternative medicine.

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